Content Marketing

What we do?Content Marketing

We provide a detailed analysis of the existing customer base using basic sampling techniques in social networks as a starting point. Subsequently, the data is stored and analyzed in a manner similar to the content analysis. Objects can vary e. g. text messages, pictures, videos. Priority is given to data relevant with the current strategic goals of the company.

How are our methods different?

We don’t have to talk to 100 000 people. We need the 1 000 who will talk with the other 99%. Unlike many of our colleagues, we use both quantitative and qualitative methods for opinion leader selection which is adjustable depending on the strategic goals of the company. The qualitative part of the assessment takes into account the followers’ activity and frequency of presence. The end goal here is to find the Influence Factor (If) of the opinion leader and then qualify the opinion leaders which work for the particular campaign.

Our 7 Steps to Success

The Heat-Seeking Model

It doesn’t matter if you are a small company or a huge international business. Your goals might be different but your success in achieving them will depend on clarity of direction and precision of the approach. Our work starts with the Strategy Sessions. In its essence, this is a series of meetings combined with preliminary research. The idea is to set realistic, achievable and measurable goals for your business in general and marketing in particular. These meetings not only give you the chance to consider your goals but also to compare yourself with competitors, set benchmarks for the journey forward and have a solid guiding point which prevents you from getting lost in the sea of marketing approaches and opportunities.

Having established a strategic plan and measurable objectives, our second step is to look towards the different audiences. The success of your company lies in the hands of a number of interested parties, including but not limited to your customers. When it comes to marketing, many people forget that their employees, their investors and even their competitors are also important in building up a company and should be taken into account. Using a set of different tools and sampling techniques, we investigate and profile your audiences, both internal and external. Using an award-winning methodology, we single out the organic leaders in your audience on the basis of their influence factor (If).

Narrative shop. Knowing who you are and how to reach your audiences means nothing if you don’t have a narrative. Narratives are useful tools since the dawn of time as they give a sense of direction. A good narrative has a beginning, a middle and an end. After which, the next chapter starts. Life is complicated enough as it is, providing your audiences with a consistent narrative will give you an advantage against your competitors.

Once you have set measurable strategic goals and a consistent narrative path through which they can be achieved, the daily work on your project begins. Our Content Planning stage picks the right channels for you to communicate with your audiences. Once the planning phase is over, we move towards Content Creation. This is where it gets fun. A constant two-way communication takes place between our creative team and the person coordinating the efforts on your side. A big plus for you and your company is our total process control. We start with the strategic planning and continue to guide the content creation and subsequently – its distribution. The Content Distribution is just as important as the rest of the steps.

We use a wide variety of evaluation methods depending on the goals set in the strategic planning stage. Our evaluation process is tailored according to the specific needs of each client. We use a combination of quantitative and qualitative measuring tools which gives us a distinct advantage over many competitors. With the abundance of statistical data available, it is easy to lose sight on the important thing – your audience. Having 100 000 fake accounts following you on Twitter brings you nothing in business terms. This is the reason why we supplement our quantitative measurement with a qualitative one. This allows us to not only measure the results of our efforts but also to ensure the quality and objectivity of these values.